Release &

Tension, Stress
and Trauma
Release Exercises

Be an inspiration for global change that starts from within.

Enhance your ability to fully engage with life by discovering spontaneous movements that will release your inner power.

Involuntary movement, tremors and emotions have been discouraged in our society and pathologised, to the detriment of individuals and the collectives we are part of. As a result  people often struggle to find their true purpose or feel unable to connect to themselves and others at a fundamental level. Our mission is to assist you on your path to self-discovery, and reconnection with others so you prosper in your daily and professional life.

TRE® is a simple, body oriented technique that when applied skilfully can result in a profound inner change that will ripple through your personal, professional and social life. Developed by Dr David Berceli, TRE® has helped bring relief from tension, stress and trauma to people all over the world - to those dealing with everyday stresses and strains, those in the helping professions, and those affected by wars and natural disasters. TRE® process helps to calm the nervous system, to bring us out of states of activation and dissociation, becoming less reactive, and increasing our capacity to be present to our experience.

About TRE®

Relief from tension, stress and trauma to people all over the world

Our Mission

In this world full of conflict and uncertainty peoples health and quality of life deeply suffers due to unresolved stress and trauma. The tendency towards disembodiment in contemporary culture, which separates mind, body and emotions, hurts us greatly and has damaging effects on individuals, their communities and society at large.

TRE® Centre is committed to providing access to innovative and effective methods for the resolution of stress and trauma that are clinically proven and scientifically backed. Working holistically across the whole human system these methods bring about the unification of mind, body and emotions, enabling people to acquire the skills and tools they need to transform their personal lives, enjoy more meaningful relationships and create happier and healthier societies.

Practice Principles


  • Naturally reduce you levels of stress and anxiety

  • Shed the impact of adversity and harness your resiliency

  • Come to understand your bodies internal wisdom and the power you have over your own health

  • Re-pattern old habits and behaviours by opening up your nervous systems options

  • Ease PTSD and C-PTSD and other trauma based responses

  • Improve your sleep, gut health and auto-immune system.

  • Harness you intuition and re-discover you spontaneity


  • Learn just how amazing you are and fall in love with yourself

  • Develop compassion from within to become emotionally intelligent and available.

  • Come to understand and speak for your personal needs and bodies boundaries

  • Reconnect with yourself and others in an authentic way

  • Learn how to help others as they transform their lives

  • Increase and stabilise your energy levels

  • Choose curiosity and discover the full expression of “you”


Community Building

Recognising the need for a peer support network among trauma workers, TRE® Centre is more than just a training platform. It is also a forum designed to host an ongoing fluid community of practitioners in the therapeutic fields, offering entry points for every level of clinical experience. It does this through; mentoring, advanced trainings, peer-support retreats, modality integration workshops and its embodied programme’s

About Cheda Mikic

Cheda Mikic has been working in the TRE® world for the past 14 years, and decided to create TRE® Centre in order to meet the growing need for quality TRE® trainings in the UK and internationally, cohort based support and embodied education for those working in the field of Trauma and Body Therapy. Since 2014 he also runs the school, Metodo TRE in Italy.

He is a Craniosacral Therapist, a Naturopath and a TRE® Senior Trainer.  He has been working and lecturing in the complementary therapy world for 30 years, in the UK, USA, Europe and Internationally. 


“Cheda is very competent teacher. He has a great capacity to feel the needs of the class and his students and to adapt the teaching accordingly and immediately. He allows the space for error and the exploration without judgment. He also freely acknowledges and appreciates the strong points of his students. I really enjoy his teaching and his love and knowledge of the body which he clearly transmits.”

— Elena Invernizzi, Rome, Italy
Shiatsu practitioner, TRE® Mentor trainee

“The weekend workshop (The diaphragm) with Cheda was so good. Not only did I learn valuable ways to work with my clients, and build confidence with touch and other interventions, but the part I hadn’t anticipated was a deepening in my own personal journey though the pair structures (and it felt so safe that I went really deep). I love Cheda’s approach as he is both incredibly knowledgeable and experienced, but also has a deeply human, honest and often funny way of being with groups. 

I can’t wait for the next one, and now plan on attending all his advanced workshops – they are invaluable for both my personal development, and my professional development as a TRE Provider (and I’ve been applying the skills with my Breath-work clients), so it’s a win win.”

Deborah Maddison, U.K. Holistic Coach

“The session with Cheda was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. He has abundant knowledge and experience, and provides a great sense of safety.

His ability to instantly find blocks and stagnation of energy in my body was outstanding, and his skills to delicately release and integrate deep emotions was a wonderful experience. He is my highest recommendation for anybody who is looking for a true liberation physically and mentally through a genuine therapy.”

Miyuki Imaoka, USA/Japan, Body worker, Yoga teacher, Actress

Any questions?

We hope this site gives you all the information you need, however we appreciate that sometimes a conversation human to human is needed. Please drop us an email with a preferred method of contact and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.