Pathway: Supporting Others

Advanced Courses


Embodied Anatomy Lab: Diaphragm

14th and 15th of May

Hybrid workshop - online and in person at Bidston Observatory

The goal of this workshop is to deepen our understanding about the role of the Diaphragm in human body.

We will explore anatomical interconnectedness of the Diaphragm and Cervical spine with surrounding organs and tissues.

Through practical exercises and TRE we will explore our own body in more depth and develop more awareness and subtlety. We will learn how to use gentle but powerful interventions to help deepen our tremors or support a clients process.

An advanced workshop for TRE providers or specific entry point for those new to the practice wishing to understand how healing change is possible access the body mind system.

Emergent Structures Lab:
Integration of Primitive Reflexes and TRE

9th and 10th July

Hybrid workshop - online and in person at Bidston Observatory

Full details to be announced April