The course will cover personal skills and work with individuals. The course is very practical and experiential.
The theory of a TRE® model will be explored through the exercises, tremors and other involuntary and spontaneous movements. There will be lots of time for discussion and sharing of experiences.
Module 1 will include:
• TRE® Concepts
• Anatomy, neurology and physiology of stress and trauma as it relates to TRE®
• Understanding the tremor response and involuntary body movements
• Introduction to the Triune brain theory
• Introduction to the Polyvagal theory: How humans are always checking for safety.
• Tremorgenesis
• Containment, Orientation and Grounding strategies - OMG concepts
• Introduction to personal TRE® tremoring experience.
• Working other individuals
• Introduction to basic skills of working with individuals
• Basic TRE® Interventions (verbal and tactile interventions)
• Post traumatic Growth
This TRE® Module 1 workshop is open to everyone. You can attend to learn about using the tremors to support your own health. You will learn about being in your body and self regulating in response to tension, stress and trauma. You can attend the workshop as the start of the process to teach TRE® to individuals.
To learn more about the entire TRE Certification Program, download the brochure or alternatively reach us at