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Diaphragm Lab

Diaphragm Lab

Respiratory diaphragm is tissue that is interconnected with many other tissues, structures and organs in the body.

We will explore anatomical interconnectedness of the Diaphragm and Cervical spine with surrounding organs and tissues. You will learn to recognise specific patterns in your own and clients body. We will explore how our diaphragm is central and essential for the quality of our movements, posture, gestures and emotions.

The goal of this workshop is to deepen our understanding about the role of the Diaphragm in human body and in TRE.

In this specialised 2 day workshop, we will explore amazing properties of the diaphragm and it’s role in health.

Cost: £230 - Early Bird paid in full by August 30th 2023 £260 - Paid after August 30th 2023

Cost is the same whether joining online or in person.

September 8

TRE, Primitive reflexes and Brain development

October 14

Body Reading in TRE